Defines BEM meta-data.
Factory class to make using BEMPage Objects simpler and easier.
Locates BEM blocks/elements.
Factory to create BEM block/element locators.
Part of BEM.
All BEM block classes must be descendants of this class.
BEM element.
Interface, that every BEM block must implement.
Interface, that every BEM element must implement.
Interface, that every BEM block/element must implement.
Exception related to BEM elements/blocks.
Default decorator for use with PageFactory. Will decorate 1) all of the WebElement fields and 2) List fields that have @FindBy or \@FindBys annotation with a proxy that locates the elements using the passed in ElementLocatorFactory.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that BEM elements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that BEM elements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that BEM elements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them
Defines typified element name metadata.
The base class to be used for making blocks of elements on top of a typified element.
The base class to be used for making classes representing typified elements (i.e web page controls such as text inputs, buttons or more complex elements).
Represents a list of typified elements.
Represents web page button control.
Represents web page checkbox control.
Represents web page file upload element.
Form element.
Represents a named entity. Used to operate with names of blocks and typified elements.
Represents a an element that has simple method for value changing.
Represents a typified element.
Represents web page control with optional associated label.
Represents hyperlink.
Represents single radio button in radio button group. Please use "RadioGroup" typified element for manipulations.
Represents a group of radio buttons.
Represents web page select control.
Represents one option in a web page select control. Please use "Select" typified element for manipulations.
Represents text block on a web page.
Represents text input control (such as <input type="text"/> or <textarea/>).
Exception related to FileInput.
Exception related to Form.
Exception related to RadioGroup.
Exception related to Select.
Exception related to Typified Element.
Default decorator for use with PageFactory. Will decorate 1) all of the WebElement fields and 2) List fields that have @FindBy or \@FindBys annotation with a proxy that locates the elements using the passed in ElementLocatorFactory.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that TypifiedElementCollection are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that TypifiedElements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
The base class to be used for making classes representing pages, that can contain typified elements (i.e web page controls such as text inputs, buttons or more complex elements).
Factory class to make using Page Objects simpler and easier.
Annotation for describing element selector in Selenium style.
Interface for matching annotations.
Annotation describing the component URL matching.
Annotation describing the exact URL matching.
Annotation describing the regular expression URL matching.
Defines page metadata.
Defines element loading timeout.
Default config class which stores all kind of configurations for the library.
Interface for all kind of configurations for the library.
Class, that locates WebElements.
Factory, that creates locators for finding WebElements.
Classes, that can search elements on a page must implement this interface.
A factory for producing IElementLocators. It is expected that a new IElementLocator will be returned per call.
Class, that locates WebElements that might not be present at the moment.
Represents a list of elements.
The base class to be used for making blocks of elements.
Interface to allow AbstractElementContainer class detection in proxies.
Interface to allow to indicate presence of "fromNodeElement" method.
Classes, that represent elements on a page must implement this interface.
Regular element on a page, that is initialized using Selenium-style selector.
Represents a list of elements.
Exception related to annotations.
Exception related to the config.
Exception related to ElementCollection.
Exception related to Element.
Exception related to not found element.
Exception related to pages.
Exception related to Page Factory.
Exception related to page url matchers.
Exception related to generation of urls.
Ways of finding element on a page in Selenium style.
All page factories must implement this interface.
All classes, that allow searching elements within them must implement this interface.
The base class to be used for making classes representing pages, that can contain WebElements.
Factory class to make using Page Objects simpler and easier.
Class to return fully qualified class names by its name.
Interface to get fully qualified class names by given names of a page.
Checks, that page is opened by comparing individual url components.
Checks, that page is opened by comparing exact page urls.
Responsible for matching given pages against displayed page.
Contains matchers and matches pages.
Checks, that page is opened by comparing url using a regular expression.
Represents property, that can be decorated.
Default decorator for use with PageFactory. Will decorate 1) all of the WebElement fields and 2) List fields that have @FindBy or \@FindBys annotation with a proxy that locates the elements using the passed in ElementLocatorFactory.
Allows the PageFactory to decorate fields.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that elements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
All page factories must implement this interface.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that WebElementCollection are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
Class for lazy-proxy creation to ensure, that WebElements are really accessed only at moment, when user needs them.
Class for handling Selenium-style element selectors.
Responsible for building the URL of pages.
Responsible for building the URL of pages.
All url builder factories must implement this interface.
Returns the normalized url components of a page.
Parses url and returns components.
Responsible for building the URL of pages.